Stacks Image 1005
Stacks Image 1034

FAQ: What does FAQ stand for?
A: Frequently asked questions.
FAQ: Is that the most frequently asked of all FAQs?
A: Yes, in the overall history of FAQs.
FAQ: Wait… asked by the most people or asked most frequently by the average person?
A: You know that these are FAQs for St. Placebo and not FAQs in general, right?
FAQ: Yeah, but, real quick… do you think there are FAQ bots that throw off the frequency of questions?
A: Sorry, that’s not an FAQ.

FAQ: What does FAQ stand for?
A: Frequently asked questions.
FAQ: Is that the most frequently asked of all FAQs?
A: Yes, in the overall history of FAQs.
FAQ: Wait… asked by the most people or asked most frequently by the average person?
A: You know that these are FAQs for St. Placebo and not FAQs in general, right?
FAQ: Yeah, but, real quick… do you think there are FAQ bots that throw off the frequency of questions?
A: Sorry, that’s not an FAQ.

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